Monday, December 3, 2007

What are you wearing?? December 3, 2007

Today we focused on Exodus 28, 29 and 31. We really spent most of our focus discussing appropriate clothing. In these chapters we read about the clothing which the Lord asked Aaron and the priests to wear. It was VERY SPECIFIC and very detailed. Every minute part seemed to be exact and addressed. We looked at some pictures and discussed what a person says by the way they dress. We discussed the counsel which the Lord has given us today - especially the youth about how to dress. We read from the Strength of Youth pamphlet the clothing guidelines and discussed why certain students wouldn't wear their soccer clothing, dance clothing or wrestling outfits to church or to a formal dinner.

Finally, we divided the class up into boys and girls, and had a panel discussion.

The guys asked girls questions about how long they take to get ready, how many outfits they go through trying to find the right one etc. The girls discussed what they like regarding boys' modesty.

The girls asked boys questions about how boys' thoughts are influenced by modest or immodest dress. The boys talked about their preferences that girls would be modest - because it helps them to better honor their priesthood and keep their thoughts clean.

It was a great discussion, and I think that both groups were surprised at some of the responses they got from the other group.

We will be focusing on Exodus 32 tomorrow, and the scripture mastery for this week is 1 Samuel 16:7.

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