Thursday, December 13, 2007

Silent lesson - December 13, 2007

Today we had a silent lesson. Thank you to the three students who showed up! For those who missed class today, feel free to print up and complete the following lesson for credit today.

Silent Lesson
Good Morning! Welcome to a silent lesson. Once a year I do a silent lesson to help you better feel the Spirit during your reading and studying of the scriptures.
Today's lesson will also count as your 10 minutes of reading for the day. Write your answers to the questions below. During this lesson you are not allowed to talk, or pass notes to anyone in this class. If you need help, raise your hand but don't talk. (If anyone needs help, they go outside the classroom)
Let's begin.......
1. Silently read ALL 5 VERSES of hymn #214. As you read, think about what you are reading.
2. Offer a silent prayer to yourself to invite the Spirit.
3. Read Psalms 24:3-4 to yourself 3 times
1. You have been reading about much of the law of sacrifice that the children of Israel followed. What have you learned.
2. The last 9 chapters in Leviticus ends with important counsel for us to follow. Read Lev. 19:2 and write what that counsel is.
3. Read Lev. 19:3-12 and find out what counsel these verses sound like that is found in Exodus 20
4. List all the commandments you can find in Lev 19:3-12 and the verses they are mentioned in. (There are 6 of the 10 mentioned - you may need to look in Exocus 20 for help)
5. Why would these commandments come AFTER the counsel in verse 2 that we are all supposed to be holy, like the Lord?
6. Do you think it's possible to be "holy" if you don't follow those specific commandments? Why or why not?
7. The commandments in verses 3-12 are more specific that those found in Exodus 20. For example, the commandment isn't just not to steal, such as robbing a man or burglarizing a home. What's another way someone can steal? (See verse 13)
8. The commandment in Exodus 20 is to honor one's parents, but here for the Lord used the word "fear" (vs.3), which means a deep respect, reverence and awe. Who else are we to "fear"? In other words, we should have the same feelings for our parents as we have for whom? What should you do if you don t?
9. The commandment in Exodus 20 says not to bear false witness, but what does Lev 19:16 say about it? Make sure you read the footnotes!
10. In Lev. 19:18 we find the whole purpose for these laws and commandments. What is it?
11. During His earthly ministry, the Savior was asked by a scribe which of all the commandments was the greatest. Read Matthew 22:37 to find out His reply.
12. What then, did the Savior say in Matt 22:39 was the next greatest commandment?
13. To put it another way, these 2 principles are the foundation for all the writings of the Old Testament. All principles and commandments stem either from the need to love God or to love our neighbor. Do you believe this to be true? Why or why not?
14. Both of these commandments are mentioned in the Old Testament, but not at the same time. The first is found in Deuteronomy 6:5, the second is in Lev 19. What verse is it found in?
15. What type of a sacrifice is it to follow the commandments mentioned in Leviticus 19?
16. If we truly followed the commandment in Matt 22:40 and Lev 19:18, would the others be easy to follow? Why?
End with a silent closing prayer
Turn in your answers with your name on the paper and you may either silently sit until the end of class, or you may silently leave. Please be reverent to the other classes. Have an awesome day!

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