Thursday, January 3, 2008

January 3, 2008

Today we were organized into new districts and got a new seating arrangement. For our lesson, we played scripture lightning. They mutinied when I brought out the pickles for some reason! So, we played it without the pickles.

We covered the materials in Numbers 12-21. We focused on some the murmurings of Israel, the Lord's reaction, Moses' reaction, and the final consequences of the murmuring. It is important to note (as one reads these chapters) that the book of Numbers spans 38 of the 40 years while the Israelites were wandering in the wilderness. Therefore, although the murmuring seems extremely repetitive I believe it was spaced out, with just enough time for the people to forget as they began to murmur again. Class ended today as we discussed the fiery serpents in Chapter 21. Several of the students thought it was one of the stupidest stories ever(the people that is) - all the Israelites had to do to be healed and saved was to physically turn and look a the serpent on the rod which represented Christ. How hard was that?
However, as we examined this story a little further, we realized that all any of us have to do is the same thing - turn to Christ and be healed and saved. However, it doesn't always appear to be as easy - even for us to do either. What a great application to our lives in regards to our willingness to exercise our faith and obedience.
The scripture mastery for this week is a short one - Psalms 24:3-4. We will pass this off tomorrow and we will be doing a breakfast themed scripture chase.

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