Saturday, April 5, 2008

Psalms - Yes AGAIN!

So, as posted on my personal blog, I've decided to keep this blog, and comment on my personal studies and insights rather than what I'm teaching (since I'm not teaching)
I think I'll archive all of the teaching stuff.
Anyways - as previously mentioned, I decided to take the time to go back (now that I don't HAVE to do any particular book in 24 -48 hours for a lesson) and really study some of the books which I just couldn't make it through at the pace we were going. I don't have to be finished by the end of the school year now, so I really want to explore it a little more deeply.

This morning I finished the book of Psalms. What a great book! Honestly, its been a really long time since I read it. I found some absolutely beautiful poetry - breathtaking in fact. I also found several references to the Tender Mercies of the Lord. Each time I saw that reference, I was reminded of Elder Bednar's talk a couple of years ago. Additionally, I guess I always thought when I read Nephi's comments on this that he had sort of made it up. I believe Nephi's reference actually shows how well he knew the scriptures. Ever noticed how prophets often just quote each other? I mean - honestly, this stuff isn't new. The gospel has been around since Adam (besides that small lapse during the apostasy). So - we see that Nephi was referencing Psalms. Additionally - I found a little fun project I started today after I finished my reading. In the back of the hymn book, there is a reference of related scriptures. There are about 3 columns of references of hymns to different Psalms. I've almost finished cross-referencing them in my scriptures. It's pretty cool to see how some of them fit. Also, as I read, I marked notes of hymns which I thought went along with the different psalms. One of my favorite hymns is Jesus Lover of my Soul. I was amazed to find so many references to this (just little snippets here and there, but everywhere) as well as references to being my rock, my fortress, my foundation etc. It's actually a pretty cool project (I think). I will begin going back through tomorrow with the institute manual and a couple of other references to glean more insights to the book of Psalms.
I did find several doxologies - formal declarations of God's power. These are generally found at the end of verses. Just super cool stuff.
I'll keep updating as I go.

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