Monday, September 17, 2007

September 17, 2007

Our stake had stake conference this weekend. We received a challenge from our stake Presidency to read JSH and the New Testament by March of 2008. Along with this challenge, we were asked to increase our stake numbers by 600 people. What an awesome task!! In class, we discussed this challenge we've been given as it is modern day direction from our Stake President, and to him from someone who has been set apart as a prophet today. We read the story of Enoch, and studied his before and after life. What an awesome example of someone who has the faith the completely trust in the Lord, and then is so immensely blessed for it. We all have challenges in life, how we meet those challenges though, is our test. We can be strong and rely on the Lord like Enoch, and become a tool in His hands to change and influence the lives of so many others! It is, however, up to us.

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