I missed getting the blog in yesterday - yesterday we spent some time working on our scripture mastery for the ten commandments - Exodus 20 - ten is plenty. Amazingly, within about 5 minutes all of the students were able to remember all 10 of them, and even recite them back and explain them all today. It is a fun learning system, and has to do with figuring out how to connect the number 4 to keeping the Sabbath Day holey (the sp is on purpose) - it's kind of out there, but fun and seems to work! Later, we spent time in Genesis 29 as we discussed Jacob and his marriage with Leah and Rachel, and all of the kids they had between them.
This morning, we are grateful for the student who stopped to get pickles for the class on his way in. Pickles at 6:00 am does seem a bit out there, but we played pickled scripture lightening. We studied Genesis 31 - 34 and will finish up tomorrow with 35 - 37. Basically, if the game gets turned over (which it does VERY often), you earn a quarter of a pickle bite. Once you get four, your team has to take a bite.
The reading assignment for tonight is Genesis 34-37, and you can skip 36 which is mainly genealogy.
Tomorrow we will have a couch discussion, and Friday we will be making a seminary home video. If students have any beards, wigs, robes, staffs or cool props - please bring them in! We'll then plan a party to watch it!
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