Tuesday, October 23, 2007

October 23, 2007

Today we focused on Genesis 39, 40 and 41.
We divided our class into three groups and each group put together a newscast based on their specific scriptures/topic they had been assigned.
Our first group compared Judah and Joseph's reactions when they were confronted with immoral situations. This group also gave us several suggestions which can be beneficial in keeping morally clean.
Our second group focused on the dreams which the Pharaoh had - and the interpretations and meanings. Additionally, they found scriptures which discussed dreams and how one can tell that they are from Heavenly Father.
Our final group focused on preparedness. They examined Joseph's experiences in preparing his country for the famine. This group reported on the necessity of preparing ourselves both temporally and spiritually.
The reading assignment for today is Genesis 42-45.

1 comment:

Pam & Chris Smith said...

Great, thought-provoking questions that help apply the scriptures to our students/children today. Thanks for all of your effort!