Friday, October 19, 2007

October 18th & 19th

Well - It looks like I missed yesterday as well. Here's what we did.
We've been working on memorizing the 10 commandments - we passed them off today, and also learned a new way to remember them as well from the missionaries.
Yesterday we congratulated those who play on the soccer team on their win - they are going to STATE playoffs!! They'll find out on Sunday who they will be playing and when. We headed out into the cold hallway where we pulled up the sofas and all got cozy. We talked about some of the weird dreams we've had, and then talked about favoritism in families. Although we ran out of time - we had a couple of students begin to read Genesis 37, and explain what they had understood in the verses which they read. We read about Joseph and the coat of many colors and discussed the significance of his coat and also of the birthright going to him instead of some of the older brothers who may have thought that they had a right to it. We ended in talking about the likelihood that Joseph's attitudes and character which we see in his later life were formed while he was still in his youth - about these students' ages.
Today - all of the students passed off their scripture mastery of Exodus 20 - the ten commandments as mentioned. We then pulled out the dress up and material boxes, and decided which parts we wanted to play. We made our first seminary class movie of Joseph and the coat of many colors.
We will watch this video (and future ones) at our seminary class parties. We will be having a class party within the next 2 weeks. Our invite a friend to seminary day will be on October 29th. **All dates subject to future changes**
The reading assignment for this weekend is Genesis 37-39

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