Tuesday, November 13, 2007

November 13, 2007

Today we discussed the end of Chapter 15, and chapter 16 as we covered the Israelite's journey into the wilderness. We saw that even though it was barely a month since they had left Egypt, they had already forgotten their miraculous deliverance. We had some manna and some worms and discussed how they received their manna each morning and how much each person received. We then read in John 6:35 as Christ proclaims that He is the bread of life, and how the manna which the Israelites received was symbolic of Jesus Christ, and the necessity to have Him in our lives.
The Bishop attended class with us today and as we discussed the murmuring which we saw, he commented on some of the impacts of murmuring, and what he sees and experiences as he deals with members of the church. Thanks to the Bishop for sharing the 'but monkey' with us as well. We read an excellent quote from David O. McKay which classified the members of the church into two categories - the builders or the murmurers. We thought about which we would be classified as and thought about which we would like to be.
Tomorrow we will discuss the battle with the Amalakites and Jethro's advice to Moses as we discuss upholding each other in Chapters 17 - 19.

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