Wednesday, November 28, 2007

What goes on your Sundae? November 28, 2007

Today we started off our discussion as we looked at the newspaper clippings which we collected yesterday and discussed how the articles supported or didn't support the 10 commandments. We talked extensively about the worship of false gods - like money, clothes, fashion, barbies, cars, school, music etc etc. We had a long discussion as well about taking the name of the Lord in vain as well as using other cuss words. I learned that 'snap' is a popular substitute for cuss words - I learn something new every day.
As we talked about keeping the Sabbath day holy, we made a sundae. A student volunteered to let me make her a sundae. We started with mint chocolate chip ice cream. We added chocolate and caramel sauce, and then some nuts and marshmallows and finally some whipping cream. IT LOOKED DELICIOUS. But, I didn't think it was quite finished yet, I'd brought some other things that I thought might also be appropriate on a sundae. Because I really like pickles (not really), we put some relish on it, some mayo, some ketchup, some spinach, and a lot of mustard. After we did this, the student wasn't quite as interested in having her sundae. She did take a bite though - (thanks - it WAS gross). Finally we talked about how some things really do go on sundaes, and some don't, just as some things are appropriate for Sundays, while others aren't. Finally we discussed some things that are and aren't appropriate, and discussed how using the guideline "does this thing/activity bring me closer to the Lord?" can be a great measuring stick to help us decide which things are Sunday appropriate or not.
Thanks to everyone for showing up today!

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