Sunday, November 11, 2007

November 8-9, 2007

Well, my computer was out of commission for a couple of days, so I didn't get a chance to update what we did last week until several days later.
On Thursday November 8, we studied the Passover. We discussed the symbolism which we see in our lives as Christ saves and redeems us just as he did the Israelites. To further emphasize, we discussed the importance of cleaning all of the leaven (sin or corruption) from our houses. We cleaned our classroom, and then we had a 'passover meal'. We used grape juice and bitter herbs and salt water (to symbolize the bitterness of bondage and the salty tears they shed)as well as Matzah, lamb meat, eggs and potatoes. We had our oldest student lead us in the dinner and some of the explanations as our youngest student take the role of the youngest in the family who asks the questions "why?".

On Friday the 9th, we worked on passing off Deuteronomy 7 (good job!) and then we made a movie depicting the plagues of Egypt as a musical. We saw the plague of blood for water, then the locusts (complete with background dancers)and finally, the dead cows and the live Israelite cows - kick line and all!

This next week we will be working on Exodus 14-20 and memorizing Joshua 1:8.

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